We The People Of United Nations...
United For a Better World
Attention: Prize Winner
We are pleased to inform you that, you have been selected for the CNN United Nations International Donation for your own personal,educational and business development. Your email address attached to ticket number 27522465896-532 with serial number 652-662 drew lucky number 7-14-18-23-31-45 which consequently won a Donation Award of NINE Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds (£950.000.00GBP).
ALL participants in this lottery program have been selected randomly through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20,000 companies and 30,000,000 individual email addresses from all search engines and websites. This promotional program takes place every end of the year, and it is promoted and sponsored by the United Nations Organization and eminent personalities like the sultan of Brunei, Williams Bill Gates Of Microsoft Inc, Multi Choice CNN and other corporate organizations. This is organized by the United Nations to help the Poor and other Charity organizations around the World as a means of Alleviating Poverty. For that reason We are not giving you this donation only for your welfare but also to help Charity Organizations and poor people in your Country as a means of Alleviating Poverty.
For security purpose and clarity, we advise that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claims and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. Please note, in order to avoid unnecessary delay and complications remember to quote your drew lucky number, ticket number and serial number in all correspondence. Finally, should there be any change of addresses do inform our agent as soon as possible.
To claim your prize.
Contact our claims agent for validation:
Mr. Mel George.
Email: cnn-un.dept@msn.com
Address: # 1 United Nations Avenue London,
United Kingdom
Tel :+( 44)7031823606
You are therefore advised to send the following information to the
FULL NAMES:____________________
DATE OF NOTICE:____________________
Congratulations once more and thank you for being part of our promotional program.
Sincerely yours,
Executive Director Mrs. Michelle Bachelet.
Speech delivered by Under-Secretary-General
Mr.Ban Ki-moon (UN Secretary General)
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